10 African Masterpieces of Literature & Song

- literature
- politics
- poetry
- painting
- and sculpture.
Africa has great pieces of creative work that surprisingly even many Africans have never seen or heard of; this is due to Africa’s wide geographical spread, multilingual barrier, and very few Afro-focused media. With that said, let's jump right into it, shall we?
10. Things Fall Apart
Novel, By Chinua Achebe - Nigeria This is a literary piece of work written by one of the best African writers of all time – Chinua Achebe. Chinua Achebe hails from Nigeria
It is at this period that Africa’s traditional values were in a violent clash with those values of their colonial subjugators.
Even though the Western culture brought profound positive effects on Africa – including modern industrialization and infrastructure, it nonetheless caused tremendous destruction in terms of Africa’s authentic traditional values that held families together and defined the gender roles.
Things Fall Apart is a theme about characterization and demonstration of Africa’s torn socio-cultural fabric as different forces fight for their own domain.
9. An African Thunderstorm
Poem, By David Rubadiri - Malawi David Rubadiri
While in Uganda, Obote’s government was overthrown, forcing him again to run into exile in Kenya
After Kamuzu Banda ceased to be president, he returned to the country and later became his country’s Ambassador to the UN. The following poetry extract is one of his great pieces of work, An African Thunderstorm
Pregnant clouds Ride stately on its back, Gathering to perch on hills Like sinister dark wings; The wind whistles by And trees bend to let it pass.
And like most writers of his time, he was critical of poor governance and leadership in Africa. Some of his work was critical of Africa’s despotic regimes.
8. Burger’s Daughter
Novel, By Nadine Gordimer - South Africa This is a historical and political novel by Nadine Gordimer
This piece of work focuses on the criticism of the era of the draconian Apartheid regime of South Africa. Burger’s Daughter
7. Bahora Girl
Painting, by Irma Stern - South Africa This is a great painting that fetched one of the highest auction bids for such a piece of art in Africa.
Bohari Girl
6. Daily Mirror
Sculpture, by Ben Enwonwu - Nigeria Billed as Africa’s most influential artist of the 20th Century, Odinigwe Benedict Chukwukadibia Enwonwu, popularly knowns as Ben Enwonwu
5. Senufo Female
Sculpture, by Master of Sinasso - Ivory Coast Senufo Female
4. Construction of the Suez Canal
Painting, by Abdul Hadi El-Gazzar - Egypt Construction of the Suez Canal
Egypt is a famous ancient civilization characterized by great artwork, science, engineering, and construction. Pyramids, paintings, sculptures, and religious edicts define this great land of the Pharaohs. This masterpiece was able to fetch $1 million at an auction in Dubai in 2014.
3. Les Chadoufs
Painting, by Mahmoud Said - Egypt Les Chadoufs
2. Aye Africa
Song, by Franklin Boukaka - DRC This is a great song that many people brand it as “Africa’s Anthem”. It is a deep moving song with that moves any listener who understands the plight of Africa, especially after the mirage of the so-called ‘Independence’.
In the song, Franklin Boukaka
From his background as a Congolese from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
This is a painful song. Its lyrics can move any patriot to tears. A song from the deep heart of a martyr who was killed trying to fight for a better country through words and deeds. The song was sung in French. The following are some parts of the translated lyrics:
Ahe Africa he Eh he Africa Where is your freedom? Where is your liberty? Oh, it is hard labor to cut wood fire! With such sufferings with our kids! I don’t know how to fix that. I gave my confidence To people only focused on luxury stuffs and cars But when elections comes, they remind me as an important person for them The colonizer left already But what do we do with this freedom now?
1. Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika
Song, by Enoch Sontonga - South Africa Translated as ‘God Bless Africa’, this is another emotionally moving son by a great son of Africa – Enoch Sontonga. It’s greatness is evidenced by the fact that it has been adapted by several countries in Southern Africa as their national anthem.
These includes South Africa itself, Zambia, Namibia, Tanzania (in Swahili version), and Zimbwabwe (Shona version). Enoch Sontonga
He composed and sung the song as part of religious service and as a special dedication to his continent – Africa. Enoch Sontonga died in obscurity during his youth at a prime age of only 33 years.
But, his giant legacy lives on in this great masterpiece that has been adopted as a National Anthem for 5 African countries. His spirit guided and blessed most of Southern Africa’s liberation heroes as it was the song of choice during their liberation struggle.
A simple man whose hearty song invigorated the liberation spirit of a people of 5 countries of Africa. The song has been adapted in many languages across Africa. In South Africa alone, it has been adapted in Xhosa (its original language), Zulu, Afrikaans, and English. Here are some of the English extracts:
Lord bless Africa May her glory be lifted high Hear our petitions Lord bless us, your children Lord we ask You to protect our nation Intervene and end all conflicts Protect us, protect our nation Protect South Africa, South Out of the blue of our heavens Out of the depths of our seas Over our everlasting mountains Where the echoing crags resound Sounds the call to come together And united we shall stand Let us live and strive for freedom In South Africa our land
May Sontoga’s spirit be blessed.
Parting words
Africa is the source of the world’s most ancient civilizations. Every source of civilization has its culture which is described through different pieces of work. The top 10 most famous pieces of work about Africa provided herein helps to reignite memories of Africa’s rich cultural heritage.
- Chinua Achebe
- Facts About Nigeria
- Things Fall Apart
- David Rubadiri
- Facts About Malawi
- Facts About Uganda
- Facts About Kenya
- An African Thunderstorm
- Nadine Gordimer
- Burger’s Daughter
- Bohari Girl
- Irma Stern
- Facts About South Africa
- Ben Enwonwu
- Daily Mirror
- Senufo Female
- Facts About Ivory Coast
- Master of Sinasso
- Construction of the Suez Canal
- Facts About Egypt
- Abdul Hadi El-Gazzar
- Les Chadoufs
- Mahmoud Said
- Franklin Boukaka
- Facts About Democratic Republic of Congo
- Enoch Sontonga